General System Dynamics comes from a background of working closely with Legal, Financial and Fortune 500 clients and listening to them about the challenges that distract their I.T. Departments from their core business. Often, we find that technologies employed by companies are either the wrong fit, improperly architected or implemented, or that the solution is limited. That is where our products and services, designed to support whole systems, come in to play. Our three largest service offerings are Data Manager™, Storage Forecaster™ and our Consulting Services. Data Manager™: Helps company's I.T. Departments with data preservation for electronic discovery as required by the U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). With Data Manager, interfaced with your backup application, you create secure legal-hold containers within your backup environment that preserves sensitive data for electronic discovery, manage the holds and provides comprehensive reporting including the financial impact of each legal hold. Storage Forecaster™: Helps I.T. Departments with capacity planning in their data storage and data backup systems. With Storage Forecaster you can simulate your current storage environment to more precisely gauge how much storage you will consume on either disk or tape. You can alter the simulated backup jobs in order to see the financial costs and storage resource impacts without ever affecting your production backup environment. Comprehensive reports provide quantitative analysis, graphical pattern analysis and financial impact reports. Consulting Services: We are dedicated to providing whole systems consulting services for our clients. The nature of our business is understanding systems. And because those systems know no boundaries, we are able to provide solutions that are efficient, coherent and well- designed across a wide range of industries.