Once upon a time, dreamy eyes gazed upon azure blue skies, where flocks of feather soared above white ripples of clouds, flying through that ever-developing canvas of the dawn. Wings wide open, eyes fixated on an endless horizon, drawing such buoyant hues against the sky. Those wings in that sky became the colour of our dreams, unconfined within the walls of our city, unrestrained by societal constructs, unlimited to certain ideologies.We believe these skies, these wings, are within reach. Where innovation and precision are of no less importance than indexes and statistics, where excellent customer experiences surpass returns on investments, where birds can roam the world freely, without borders or restrictions, fueled by diligence and patience, to arrive at undiscovered pristine realms that no other bird has ever been to. And even though we may not be birds, we can still soar through skies, we can still uncover hidden spheres, we are ‘Alam.