IT Assistant at Federal Transport Authority-Land & Maritime(FTA) - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The UAE Cabinet resolution No.(52) of 2006 delegating the following disciplines mentioned below to the Authority.To propose the general policies, bill laws and regulations on Marine services, Land transport in coordination with the competent authorities and to supervise implementation of the same.To ensure compliance of the overseas navigation regulations with the international standards applicable by the States in general and to take the necessary procedures to apply the same.To propose maps of the roads connecting the Emirates with other adjacent States including the land access points in coordination with the competent federal and local authorities.To develop the rules regulating navigation in the State ports for good traffic and provision of the proper marine facilities and to develop programs for maintenance the land roads inside the ports and promoting their services, in agreement and coordination with the local competent authorities.To put in use the various land transport lines between the State and the neighboring countries.To issue all the licenses, permits and certificates on the navigation and the international sea and land transport services between the Emirates and to specify the issuance conditions and collection of the prescribed taxes, fees and rates.To develop the overseas navigation rules particularly the nationality conditions, registration rules and flag fixing and the powers by the State on the ships carrying its flag and rules for the good navigation conditions and safety of people and to have the ship equipped with the necessary systems for avoiding accidents and to maintain its communications means.To draw the plans necessary for organization and improvement of the land and sea transport means between the Emirates for easy and developed transport.