I am really grateful to you for showing interest in knowing me. Believe me, I am equally excited to know you! Just ping me. May be, we can help each other or the world together.I am Shailesh, an astrologer and life coach. I love to help people become better version of themselves, inside and outside & break all the limiting beliefs & help them to become more capable to manifest the life of their dreams with the realizations of truth inside.I have always been a life coach, but it wasn't until last some years ago that I did it formally. I remember as far back as high school, people would come to me for advice, motivation and an alternative perspective of life situations. Throughout my life, I have had some outstanding mentors who have helped me personally, professionally and spiritually – constantly reminding me of what was possible for my life, regardless of the circumstance. Becoming a spiritual seeker was a deep calling for me, which I got when I had a few in depth realizations. My life is dedicated to returning that power to others. I desire to assist everyone to have Growth, Clarity, Purpose, Perspective in life and ways to have better relationships, work & a fulfilled life.I believe that transformation is a process. I love the opportunity to help people transform from the inside out. I have a mission to make other's lives better, giving them the life they desire and deserve! Join me in my Mission! Let's grow through life instead of going through life.My ways to treat people are very unconventional and inside out, therefore, I recommend people to understand what I do before they want me to work for them. For my own self, everything starts from inside & I help people discover, grow and thrill in life the same way. Growth from inside that persists outside. Everything that I do is something which I personally believe in and have derived with time.If you want to re-design the process of how you live and are ready to look inside? Let's have a chat!!