Shalomet Vicars

Planning Advisor at The Forest Lawn Group - Buffalo, NY, US

Shalomet Vicars's Contact Details
716 885-1600
Los Angeles,California,United States
The Forest Lawn Group
Shalomet Vicars's Company Details
The Forest Lawn Group logo, The Forest Lawn Group contact details

The Forest Lawn Group

Buffalo, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The Forest Lawn Cemetery and Crematory Group includes five cemeteries Forest Lawn, St. Matthew's Cemetery in West Seneca, Lakeside Cemetery in Hamburg, and two properties in the Town of Amherst - the Williamsville Cemetery and Gethsemane Cemetery. All are not-for-profit cemeteries, which are regulated by New York State and open to all. The group also includes the Forest Lawn Cremation Company, the oldest active crematory in the nation. There's no place like Forest Lawn. As one of the first deliberately designed and professionally landscaped rural cemeteries in the United States, its first interment took place in 1850. Today, there are more than 165,000 permanent residents in this 269-acre, not-for-profit cemetery, where all are welcome. Forest Lawn is also at the heart of Western New York's cultural tourism renaissance. Each year, we're proud to host thousands of visitors who come to enjoy all that Forest Lawn has to offer. Unmatched natural beauty – hills, valleys, lakes and streams. Sculptural masterpieces. Living history. Most importantly, the stories of those who now rest in peace under our care - from a U.S. President and foreign royalty, to captains of industry, artists, inventors, veterans from every U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War and people like us who have quietly built the community that we and our families enjoy. Each has a story to be told, and these stories don't end here. They live on through the expansive archives and genealogical resources of the Margaret L. Wendt Archive and Resource Center and through our award-winning tours, concerts, lectures and special events.

Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about The Forest Lawn Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Shalomet Vicars
Shalomet Vicars currently works for Forest Lawn Cemetery & Crematory Group.
Shalomet Vicars's role at Forest Lawn Cemetery & Crematory Group is Planning Advisor.
Shalomet Vicars's email address is *** To view Shalomet Vicars's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Shalomet Vicars works in the Individual & Family Services industry.
Shalomet Vicars's colleagues at The Forest Lawn Group are Hal Denike, Miranda Mumphry, Jarrod Cox, Laura Hinojosa, Lindsay Gregg, Brenda Mahaffey, Chris Converse and others.
Shalomet Vicars's phone number is 716 885-1600
See more information about Shalomet Vicars