greencents™ is your professional energy adviser that provides you with products, tips, and recommendations to lower your energy usage while teaching you how to live a healthier, greener lifestyle. The greencents™ program specializes in the commercial and residential application of LED lighting for energy efficiency. greencents™ makes it easy to afford the transition from inefficient incandescent and fluorescent lighting to long lasting LED lighting. A typical business that has their lights on from 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday will see a savings of 50-80% over their incandescent or fluorescent lighting systems. greencents™ offers a free on-site lighting survey that will allow you to see how much your company can save by upgrading to LED lighting. Your business has the option to purchase the bulbs directly from greencents™. Or, you can finance the total job with a portion of the savings you realize off your power bill. All without any upfront costs to your company.