Gob Wire is a new online newsmagazine: A "gob wire" is a type of rigging that keeps a tugboat from capsizing when rescuing big, troubled ships. Made of either rope or chain, one end of the wire slides freely along a tug's towline, while the other's affixed to the aft deck. (You can see a chain version of a gob wire in our logo above.) A gob prevents capsizing by keeping the tug or the vessel it's towing from drifting too far to the right or left. This maritime device is metaphor for our mission at Gob Wire, which is to tug the collective American conscience back to sane, navigable waters from the squall of division where we're now tossed.We aim to rescue truth from propaganda, and wrest clarity from chaos, while ensuring the endeavor avoids sinking under the weight of its goals.The "troubled vessel" can be viewed as America, but also the world, and our individual, interconnected lives.The "tug" represents the ideal of American democracy, because it conveys the constant pressure required to force our nation to live up to the view of itself as a beacon of justice and freedom: For American exceptionalism to be real, it requires exceptional, continuous effort. And maintenance. And sometimes, rescue. But it's precisely the dogged towing of our American reality toward the harbor of the American promise – where everyone has a truly equal opportunity to ascend financially, socially, spiritually – and our determination to stay on course to reach such a paradise that we have yet to glimpse and at which we may never wholly arrive, that is the ideal. A constant striving for improvement, to make the country a better, fairer, freer place, where people have the freedom to become their best selves, but are also imbued with the responsibility to help others reach their goals, is endemic to the greatest part of our culture, and is what makes America unique. Gob Wire aims to keep that American ideal from listing into the abyss.