was started back in July of 2000, since then we've earned the reputation here in Canada and North America, as being one of the top privately owned Xbox fan sites.Currently, we are not owned by any large corporations. For some reason a lot of people seem to think that we have an office, or something. Why? Because we've been around so long! We do not have fancy offices, nor fancy cars, just people and their computers that love games. We operate mostly with nutty passionate gamers, and most of the money is out of pocket for us. So, you know it's real and from the heart.Since our humble beginings, we've mananged to stay alive this long. All for the love of both has been quite the adventure for all of us. Life over the years has changed for us in many different ways. Some of us were single, and some of us had no children. Thru all that, we're still here and hope to stay for a long time.