MULTIMODAL LOGISTIC SYSTEMS PRIVATE LIMITED (Corporate Identification number: U63011PN2006PTC128701) is registered with RoC-Pune. Its Registration number is 128701. 'MULTIMODAL' is Registered Trade-Mark of our Company.Multimodal's GST Identification No. is: 27AAECM7040D1ZQ. Registered Office Address: I-605, Ujwal Terraces, Lane No.B-20, Raikar Nagar, Dhayari, Pune-411041. e-mail: info(at)multimodal(dot)bizMULTIMODAL provides Customised Training with latest exim-info and reliable Turnkey-Exim-Services on Distributed Network Intelligence Model. We have served some of India's largest companies and institutions—working with clients hands-on to bring about desired results, through winning strategies and effective execution.We have served some of India's largest companies—helping several become successful importers and exporters—and with smaller, dynamic ones looking to enter markets with newer products and compete effectively. We work hands-on with customs to help clear shipments, create processes that last, and strengthen services such that it brings desired results. We have developed high-quality knowledge, data, and analytics on a variety of topics, through our experts on Distributed Network Intelligence model.