ADophia brings you patented and innovative advertising mediums to deliver the solutions for your marketing communication challenges. With the new to the market branding mediums, your customers can touch, hold, use, engage, involve, play, enjoy, buy, and inevitably become a brand ambassador. We work closely with clients to reduce your advertising expense while offering 200 - 300% views than the traditional print mediums. We specialize in blending the traditional print medium with digital medium to invade the lives of your customers and substantiate the level of engagement. While we make your advertisement spend worthy, you will reap additional benefits: • Get a million or more lasting views at low cost • Explore some first of its kind advertising mediums in India • Take a pride in introducing and saving environment using PLA coated materials • Account your ad spend on CSR. We will work with CSR consultants to save more. • Drive your web traffic through our interactive print using Augmented Reality (AR) • Get your print materials talk, interact, play, engage, and have fun with your customers using AR • Create a web page with ‘Offer of the Day' and we will drive the traffic through the year • Attract and engage your clients, customers, delegates etc., using patented magnetic concepts through the year • Get the elite group to view and sample your products at 1500+ CCD outlets • Improve the life of small business owners while boosting your brand image among your targeted customers and many more.... It's not just a case of ‘One Stone, Two Mangoes' but it is a ‘One Stone, A Mango Grove'.