Grit Gym is a boutique fitness studio located in Iowa City. Now approaching our 10th year of business, Grit has grown from a single strength coach to a small staff. Grit Gym has reputation for rebelling against the status quo with an expertise in exercise prescription that helps people to workout the way they need to in order to push out into their lives they way they want to. Even after difficult injuries and long hiatuses from exercise. Grit provides progressive training, mindset, recovery and nutrition protocols in a delivery system of subversive humor and energy that is fun yet focused, introverted yet welcoming, and direct yet positive. More than anything we care on a level that is weird. We read tons of books, take perspectives far outside the realm of normal and live on the edge of unreasonable personal growth daily. We are experts in exercise that put each individual at the top of necessities for success. Learn more at