For numerous and many, a brand is defined just as a name, a term, a design, a symbol or may be just another feature which a consumer can identify with. For some it is also a trait or a good/service that is the brand's unique selling proposition. However, at Decode Mediacom we believe in curating brands that infuse life into an entity. We believe in designing the emotions that the brand name evokes.It is indeed disappointing that most people working in the industry mistake a brand merely for its external frills. And more disheartening is the fact that the mere expressions of a brand, such as logos and taglines, products and services become the brand in itself.With our muse residing in Nature and its aesthetics, it comes naturally to us to establish/build brands as experiences rather than just entities. Interactions with the consumers as well as reinforcement of their beliefs in the brand at every instance is the ultimate act of branding that we as an agency resonate.At Decode Mediacom, our primary objective is laying a strong foundation that helps brands in becoming the Sun around which the consumers as planets revolve around. From the day we join hands, we embark on a journey of unravelling the brand's potential to the world and demonstrate the same in our different modes of communication. We help the brands uncover their uniqueness, set them apart from contemporaries and help them define themselves. And this is what we are all about.