The IEB is a high education center associated to the Complutense University and sponsored by the Madrid Stock Exchange. The IEB was launched in 1989 with the start up of the first Spanish Master in Securities and Financial Markets. Since then – and having taught during these years university students, postgraduates and professionals – the IEB has managed to occupy a position of unarguable leadership as the main Financial Training Centre in Spain and in the Spanish speaking world. The Study Centre has been entrusted with the financial preparation of managers and professionals of the main Spanish and foreign companies operating in our country. We have an academic team – in legal and financial matters – which is difficult to equal andour students receive demanding, academically rigourous training and personalised attention which encourages them to carry out their professional activity with sound, moral principles. All this results in rapid entry into the labour market of our graduates and brilliant professional careers of those who pass through our lecture rooms, thus consolidating, day by day, the prestige of our institution. Those who are interested in acquiring high level economic, legal and financial learning will find in the IEB the human, technical and documentary means to satisfy their aspirations for intellectual growth.