Co-Founder & Partner, Data Analytics at MMJS DataPhi - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
DataPhi is a mission, to deliver an ‘Experience' of Storytelling on a journey of business insights, through a combination of Data Analytics & Finance Transformation. We are an outcome of sincere professionals coming together – all of whom are passionate about data analytics & finance transformation and have been delivering Data Analytics & Finance Transformation initiatives over last 15+ years. Phi (φ), pronounced as ‘fi' as in fly is an irrational number, known as golden ratio, which keeps showing up in several patterns across the universe. From structure of tiny snowflake to shape of a spiraling galaxy, φ is what connects them all. Just like φ , we at Data‘Phi' strive to make sense of your data patterns and help you make critical decisions for your business. The value system of DataPhi helps keep us focused on our goals – We are here to ‘Build a Trail of Trust' while serving clients on Data Analytics & Finance Transformation, ‘Earning Resect' as we work together is our goal. We drive our way following signs of ‘Ethics, not gimmicks'. Doing what is right for your business is the principal & we will be ‘frank but being polite' adhering to our principle. We believe that ‘Learning Never Stops' in life & in today's world ‘Co-operate-Collaborate' is the only way to co-exist.