Accounts Assistant at Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda - Kampala, Central Region, Uganda
The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda is a body corporate established by the Pharmacy and Drugs Act of 1970 and Cap 280 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Over the last decade the society has multiplied its numbers from 200 in 1999 to a membership of over 1000 at present. This comprises of pharmacists working in community pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical industries, regulatory bodies, academia ,research organizations, drug procurement and distribution entities among others.The society is governed by the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda. This consists of 12 members. The Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members and are elected annually during the Annual general Meeting. 6 members of the Council are elected every 4 years by the Annual general Assembly while the remaining 4 are appointed by the Minister of Health every 4 years. The President and the Vice President are elected from among the Council members. This democratic arrangement ensures autonomy in the running of Professional activities but at the same time provides adequate representation from both the Private and Public sector.