Sharon is a Registered Dietitian focused on families attaining their best ever health and wellness. She is passionate about families having the information they need to make the best choices for themselves. Through personal nutrition coaching and Medical Nutrition Therapy she will develop a plan unique to your needs, designed to bring you to the end goal of feeling confident in your own skin. In addition to personal coaching, Sharon also offers well researched E-Courses, webinars, podcasts and articles on all topics nutrition! Let her sift through all of the news, studies and latest diets for you. Other areas of practice include, but are not limited to, diabetes, renal disease, eating disorders, picky eating, gastro-intestinal disease, IBS, IBD, Celiac disease, autoimmune disease, allergies, gastropareis, oncology, weight management (adult and pediatric), bariatric surgery counseling, tube feed/EN and TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). Wellness is more than a number on the scale. By working with Sharon you'll gain knowledge empowering you to make the best choices for your health and your family.