YOOKE is a social business: by offering customized in-company programs for organizations, we are able to support community yoga programs.So everybody benefits from a healthy practice. Scientific researchers all over the world are vastly catching on to the endless list of yoga's benefits. By participating in yoga programs, people reduce their stress levels and promote relaxation, improve their physical health – from lowering blood pressure to increasing pain tolerance-, improve their mental health, become more mindful, reduce symptoms of anxiety, improve their posture, allow themselves to unplug from tech and generally become happier.We believe that big changes come in small steps. To change your habits or behavioural patterns you will first need to develop your (self)awareness. The yoga practice will facilitate this towards intention-setting and intention implementation. Shortly, we will guide you to become the architect of your life and health (again). Coaching sessions in combination with the physical yoga practice will generally lead to increased awareness, deeper insights into thought and behavioural patterns and practical tools and instruments towards an embedded self-care routine.