A South African film production company with some pretty cool stories to tell. We told a very short story back in 2014 and that short film got to showcase at the Cannes Film Festival in 2015. We then told another quirky, funny story in 2016 and we won a South African Film and Television Award for best made for TV movie at the 2017 SAFTA's. Most recently we told another story in the way of our first full length feature film which we shot over December 2020. That's right, 2020! While Covid was doing some crazy things all over the world, we gathered a group of talented films makers both in front of and behind the camera and went and shot a movie. With several ready to go scripts in some stage of development, we are ready to rock and roll with more amazing African stories that hold universal appeal. If you are reading this and you have some coins in between your couch or under the bed which you have no real use for, hit me up to chat about becoming a financial partner to one of our film projects. I could think of worse and less fun ways to spend your money. Don't have loose change to spare? That's ok. Simply show your love by buying a movie ticket if your local cinema is open or stream where available. More than money, the support of a loyal audience helps filmmakers reach new heights. As a parting thought, remember to try show love to local films whenever possible. Sure the standard may not always compete with the big guys, but without your ongoing support there is no hope of us ever elevating the standard. But with your support the possibilities are endless and I assure you we will produce work that you would be proud to spend your hard earned cash going to the movies to see. Welcome to 33 Films.