Secretary and Public Relations Director | UKZN (Westville) Chapter
Golden Key is the world's largest collegiate honour society with over 400 participating universities throughout Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Bahamas, South Africa, India and the United States. All participating universities have been accredited based on specific criteria.In South Africa, 16 universities are currently accredited to be part of the global Golden Key Society. The eight chapters that received awards are Northwest University (Potchefstroom); University of the Witwatersrand; Stellenbosch University; University of the Western Cape; University of Cape Town; University of the Free State; University of KwaZulu-Natal; and University of Pretoria. Golden Key provides more than a breeding ground for future leaders. It offers a market for the business sector to select their employees from among South Africa's top graduates while meeting their BEE requirements. With their additional skills and community-orientated focus, these young graduates are well-equipped to initiate company CSI programmes that are an essential part of responsible businesses. Likewise, Golden Key relies on the support and collaboration of the business sector to invest in the future leaders of the country through sponsorships, donations, mentorship and internship positions where young graduates can apply and further develop their professional skills. "By getting involved with Golden Key, business leaders have an opportunity to shape the future they wish to see in South Africa," Dr Castleman