The idea of the Turbo Burn Stored Energy System was conceived in 1953 by Leonard Hamilton, our company's founder. Leonard tinkered and toyed with his idea until 1957 when he finally arrived at the current design still in use today. Incorporated in 1986 The Hamilton family and Turbo Burn Inc. have been manufacturing the TB series of stored energy systems for over 50 years. Turbo Burn Inc. manufactures six standard size models and special orders for larger units. Turbo Burn also manufactures storage tanks for additional hot water storage. Turbo Burn Inc. is also a full repair facility and shop with bays for vehicles of all kinds and equipment for welding and manufacturing. Designed to be well insulated this open to the atmosphere non-pressurized hot water vessel ranges in size from 750,000 BTUs to over 3,000,000 BTUs as an on demand heating system. The Turbo Burn premium water stove is a true alternative green energy multi- fueled appliance capable of burning almost anything for fuel to create a heat source while producing a supply of virtually unlimited hot water. This works great for residential users but even better for large commercial facilities such as factories, warehouses, food processors, farms, ranches, schools, hospitals, etc