We use research, a narrative approach, and a tactical plan to help build your most productive asset: your master story.Go, right now, and pull your strategic plan from the shelf. Consider your mission, vision, and values. You're inclusive and innovative, with plenty of integrity.Terrific. But how does any of this help you make decisions? How does it make you different from your competitors? No matter what you do — create, manufacture, invest, govern, build, plan, encourage, design — you do it for a reason. It means something.Meaning, why we do what we do, is our most valuable asset. This is how we attract investment and great people, customers and clients, fans. Yet most of us don't think about it.Why?Management and leadership became sciences after the Second World War. Creativity became a specialty, for advertising agencies whose business models do not allow for deep research. Marketing, communication, advertising, and public relations became discreet entities, things-in-themselves, rather than essential parts of organizations.The result: random tactics and weak decisions based on fads, cute processes, and popular business jargon. Re-branding on a three-year cycle.At Story Engine we do what others don't, because it doesn't fit in their business models: we ask the best questions to find out why you do what you do. Deep research builds meaningful strategies.We work with you to build your master story and to make it the core of everything: in marketing and communications, in human resources, in product design, in culture. If you're a city or region it's the foundation of your economic development, engagement, and tourism strategies. If you're a college or university it's the pitch you make to students, to professors, to philanthropists. For thousands of years narrative has been the most powerful way to communicate, to plan, to build audiences and communities. We help build yours.