RADISH is a food truck built to promote healthy eating and creativity. It is the brainchild of a few passionate students at JWU, RISD, and BROWN looking for an outlet to put exciting and progressive ideas to good use.RADISH makes every effort to support family owned farms in Rhode Island by using ingredients grown at local farms. Because we are supplied with the freshest and healthiest ingredients, RADISH is able to cater towards the young, healthy market on College Hill. This is a vibrant community of creative thinkers and hard working individuals. We would like to reward our community by acting as a hub for artists and pioneers, and by providing a healthy, filling, well-deserved meal at the end of the day. Our truck will serve as a mecca for artists, chefs, entrepreneurs, musicians and other creative minds to share their work amongst the local community, as well as the rest of the world through our growing online presence. Not only will these artists be displayed on a constant visual feed at the truck's location, but they will also become part of our online database that aims to showcase artists' ideas to a vast population.This concept allows the energetic and prolific population on College Hill to show their work through the Radish website, blogs and other businesses that support our cause. The immense power and reach of networking will help RADISH become a mobile environment able to satiate the hungry minds of our beautiful generation.