MISSION STATEMENTOur mission is to provide quality services that promote wellness and balance of mind, body and spirit for individuals, staff, families and communities.VISION STATEMENTThe NATIVE Project has a vision of community that promotes balance and harmony in the pursuit of:•Drug and alcohol free lifestyles•Spiritual, cultural and traditional Native values•Wellness and balance of mind, body and spirit for each person•Respect and integration of all healing paths to wellness for self and others•Lifestyles which encourage and are supportive of prosperity•Education and awarenessBy creating a circle of care using one team and one voice, individuals, staff, families and agencies will utilize skills, leadership, cultural and spiritual consciousness to give back to his or her community by living asWARRIORS, NURTURERS, SCHOLARS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVISTSSACRED HOSPITALITYWhat is Sacred Hospitality? Sacred Hospitality is an intentionally created practice where our compassion meets the needs of our patients, staff, and community; where they are welcomed, cherished, and respected as human beings; where stories are shared and valued; and where healing of the body, mind, and spirit can happen.