Summerstone Group improves corporate culture and worker engagement, by transforming conflict into understanding and a lack of purpose into clarity of contribution. We are a process-centered consultative business, assisting companies in two success-critical areas of internal operation which are often unaddressed, resolving internal workplace conflicts, and providing a relevant, distinctive and useful brand identity for their employees. As an independent contractor we provide an impartial perspective, a neutral point-of-view, and a unique position of confidentiality, too often unavailable from employees.Our service style is that of a facilitator, an educator: • Resolving conflict through facilitative and transformative mediation and conflict coaching, with follow-up support or training in process review, organization development, communication skills and conflict resolution techniques• Developing a brand identity by leading the company's employees at all levels to articulate and create a dynamic brand position reflective of each employee's contribution to the wholeSummerstone Group leads your company toward an improvement in worker productivity, collaboration, innovation and engagement.