Dik Drug is a Specialty Infusion company focused on providing complex pharmaceutical products and clinical services to patients outside of the traditional hospital setting.Today's uncertain healthcare environment is propelled by dramatic changes in healthcare laws, fragmented services, poor outcomes and skyrocketing cost. We saw the opportunity to improve patient results while reducing the costs associated with treating people with chronic and serious medical conditions.Our team applies the cornerstones that made Dik Drug Company successful over the past 100 years in the pharmaceutical industry. And we added all of the modern tools available to us. We adhere to an age-old element that's often missing in healthcare today – The Golden Rule. People who have chronic and serious medical conditions are often confused, afraid and lack the resources to gain the upper hand on their illnesses. Dik Drug believes in treating our patients the way we would want to be treated!Our Strategy We believe that specialty infusion is a local business. We work closely with our referral sources, some of the most reputable physicians in the country, to build the trust needed to service their complex patient's needs outside of the hospital.Infusion therapy involves the administration of medication through a needle or catheter. It is prescribed when a patient's condition is so severe that it cannot be treated effectively by oral medications. Typically, "infusion therapy" means that a drug is administered intravenously, but the term also may refer to situations where drugs are provided through other non-oral routes, such as intramuscular injections and epidural routes (into the membranes surrounding the spinal cord).