Sheila Lepak

Counselor at Richmond High School - Richmond, IN, US

Sheila Lepak's Contact Details
Richmond High School
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Richmond High School logo, Richmond High School contact details

Richmond High School

Richmond, IN, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Tradition and pride describe the Richmond Community Schools. The tradition is evident in the incredible expanse of Richmond High School. With its soaring cupola that can be seen for miles, our high school epitomizes the tradition and pride in excellence of our community in its school corporation. Our schools stress first the academic programs while maintaining high standards of expectation for all students. This program excellence is seen at all levels. At the elementary level, teachers work in low ratios with students to offer a personalized instructional program. In our intermediate schools, students have the opportunity to explore under the careful and caring guidance of a well-trained staff. Richmond High School is recognized for both breadth and depth of program effort and its many National Merit scholars.

Details about Richmond High School
Frequently Asked Questions about Sheila Lepak
Sheila Lepak currently works for Richmond Community Schools.
Sheila Lepak's role at Richmond Community Schools is Counselor.
Sheila Lepak's email address is *** To view Sheila Lepak's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sheila Lepak works in the Primary/Secondary Education industry.
Sheila Lepak's colleagues at Richmond High School are Karen Montgomery, Scherie Bercel, Robert Hamblin, Sally Hager, Erin Gillespie, Angela Blake, Amanda (Warack) and others.
Sheila Lepak's phone number is N/A
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