Shelby Pollifrone

Auto Transport Rockstar at Freight Tec - Bountiful, UT, US

Shelby Pollifrone's Contact Details
Freight Tec
Shelby Pollifrone's Company Details
Freight Tec logo, Freight Tec contact details

Freight Tec

Bountiful, UT, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Freight Tec is a freight brokerage & transportation logistics company based just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. We specialize in running an Agency Program for freight agents. We run our agency program exclusively. It is our only focus. It is our only business. We do not compete with our agents by operating an internal brokerage operation. We provide our agents superior back office support; accounts payable, accounts receivable, collections, credit checks, carrier setup, software, legal dept., technology systems, proprietary rating and tracking tools, back office operations, financial management, and strong brand and reputation.

Transportation Transportation Services Nec Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
Details about Freight Tec
Frequently Asked Questions about Shelby Pollifrone
Shelby Pollifrone currently works for Freight Tec.
Shelby Pollifrone's role at Freight Tec is Auto Transport Rockstar.
Shelby Pollifrone's email address is *** To view Shelby Pollifrone's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Shelby Pollifrone works in the Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.
Shelby Pollifrone's colleagues at Freight Tec are Natalie Nelson, Casey Sims, Abe Shuhadeh, Launa Carlisle, FRM Transport, Melissa Cunningham, Jed Poulsen and others.
Shelby Pollifrone's phone number is 801-298-7722
See more information about Shelby Pollifrone