Ruff Tales Rescue (RTR) is dedicated to saving the lives of abandoned dogs and redirecting them to stable, loving environments that serve as their forever home or the bridge to their forever home. RTR is a 501(c)3 no-kill, volunteer-run dog rescue based in New England. We rescue abandoned, abused and often neglected dogs from states with significant overpopulation issues and work tirelessly to place them in loving, responsible homes. RTR is committed to dogs of all ages, breeds and those who may have pre-existing medical conditions.We are not a shelter and do not have a brick and mortar facility. Instead, we rely on devoted foster families who open their hearts and homes to our dogs on a temporary basis. Foster families are the backbone of our lifesaving work and we support them in all aspects from medical care to training to supplies. We are truly a community of committed dog lovers. RTR is a completely volunteer run organization. With no paid employees, our volunteers come together to make a difference in the lives of our dogs every day. Everything we are able to accomplish is attributable to the unending devotion and hard work of our volunteers.Adoption Inquiries: adoptions@rufftalesrescue.orgFoster Information: foster@rufftalesrescue.orgVolunteer: volunteer@rufftalesrescue.orgDonate: or visit Information: info@rufftalesrescue.orgFacebook: