Since its debut in 2003, has become the Internet's largest audition, job and casting call resource for actors, models, musicians, dancers, and production crew.Explore Talent's unique technology sends casting email alerts and posts auditions and jobs directly on members' profiles, saving them hours of time from tedious searching. Explore Talent has proven to be the best possible destination for those involved at any level in the entertainment industry.Explore Talent is constantly working to find better ways to serve the best interest of its members. The Explore Talent team spends over 3,000 hours per week checking, sorting, and preparing casting information. has a dedicated full-time customer service team and Talent Advisers are available by phone five days a week, providing the most personal service in the industry today.From the latest technology designed to connect the nation's top casting directors with member profiles, to its proprietary software designed to make the submission process as easy as possible, Explore Talent proudly offers the most cost-effective resource to aspiring and accomplished entertainers.