国际WELL建筑研究院™( IWBI ) 正在全球引导推动一场通过建筑及社区提升人们健康与福祉的运动。IWBI 推出全球应用的WELL建筑标准™ 及 WELL 社区标准™。这两套标准根据人们赖以生活、工作及学习的建筑空间及社区空间的实际表现,针对这些建筑与社区空间中影响人体健康与福祉的健康属性进行测量、认证、监督。IWBI 也对 WELL AP的成长提供教育与支持平台。更多详情: www.wellcertified.com。The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is leading the global movement to promote the health and wellness of people in buildings and communities everywhere. IWBI delivers the cutting-edge WELL Building Standard™ and the WELL Community Standard™, performance-based systems for measuring, certifying and monitoring features of buildings and communities that impact the health and wellness of the people who live, work, and learn in them. IWBI also offers robust education and support for the growing number of WELL Accredited Professionals. www.wellcertified.com