Our cloud-based, data-driven integrated B2B property management and procurement solution aims to simplify and automate archaic and laborious administrative workflows within the real estate scene.As we unite project management and procurement-to-pay functionalities, real estate organisations can:- Saving time and money with reduced manpower costs as administrative tasks decrease.- Digitalise workflow processes by replacing manual tasks with simplified and automated ones.- Achieve instant and continuous transparency on property projects- Gather data for future actionable insights on property sustainability- Capacitate preventative maintenance on all estatesBuilt specifically for property partners and trade professionals, our fast-growing and collaborative community, has over 3,400+ real estate professionals with over 850+ estates whose projects are valued at over 30million with us. If you're looking to explore a demo presentation or to find out more about who we are and what our solution can do for your organisation, get in touch with us today.