MS2R Engineering, LLC is a professional engineering company registered in Texas Board of Professional Engineers (TBPE), providing the following services to the clients. Structural Engineering:➢ Single Family/Multi-Family Residential design➢ Windstorm Design and Inspection➢ Foundation design for Pre-engoneered Metal Buildings➢ Commercial and Industrial Building design➢ Retaining wall design➢ Steel Pipe Rack and other structures design➢ Canopy design➢ Building Structural Evaluation and Consulting ServicesCivil Engineering➢ Land and Site Development design including Paving, Grading and Drainage designs➢ Storm and Sanitary sewage design and calculation➢ Detention Pond Design➢ Lift Station Design➢ Fill mitigation calculations ➢ Storm water pollution prevention (SWPPP)➢ Detailing➢ Engineering ConsultancyThe company is formed with a group of well experienced Licensed Professional Engineering Team in civil and structural engineering with various expertise.MS2R Engineering, LLC is a Minority Owned Business Enterprise.