Streeter is a hub of useful information about what's great locally based on recommendations from friends. Why take a stranger's words ? All of friends should have STREETER app so sharing information will be easy and fun. You can Discover local ads, nearby restaurants, latest movie showtimes, boutiques, malls, job listings and much more.On the cusp of the newest technology, the app uses the power of Echo to get its users recommendations across and also shares information among friends.Download App : Special Shout Out Via Echo: If you come across an ad or business listing or your favorite place that might interest your friends or followers? Send them a special shout out via the Echo feature! ( Patent Pending)Echo Reminder Notification: If you are near to the echoed location/place you will get a push notification with the number of friends or followers in your circle that has recommended it. ( Patent Pending)Post Your Ads: Businesses and individuals can post a targeted advertisement with a few taps on the screen.and many more....Follow us on Streeter: STREETERFollow us on Instagram @streeter_app.Follow us on Facebook: streeterapp Follow us on twitter: Streeter_app Follow us on Snapchat: Streeterapp