Starlight International Capital Group (SICG) is one of the leading & fast-growing Capital Management company established in Hong Kong since 2008. Our mission is "Global Vision, China Focus" and we strike to offer excellent & tailored global financial solution to mainland China & overseas corporates and high net worth investors. Our three core businesses are Wealth Management, Capital Markets and Corporate Consultancy. SICG has been nominated the award of "Greater China's the Most Trusted Capital Management Company of The Year" and have offices in US, Australia and China. 星光國際資本集團(SICG)是於2008年在香港成立的領先和快速增長的資本管理公司之一。我們的使命是"全球視野,聚焦中國",我們致力於為國內機構企業和高淨值投資者提供出色和量身定制的全球金融解決方案。我們的三個核心業務是財富管理,資本市場和企業諮詢。星光國際資本集團被提名為"大中華地區年度最值得信賴的資本管理公司",現今於中國、美國及澳大利亞設有分部辦事處。