Deaf (Disability) Advocacy Officer - Disability Royal Commission
Deaf Australia is the national peak organisation for Deaf people in Australia. It represents the views of Deaf people who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language).It is a true consumer organisation - only Deaf people have the right to vote on Deaf Australia business and to be elected to the Board.The Deaf community can be recognised by their unique sign language - Auslan. Deaf Australia is committed to promoting and preserving sign language as the official and indigenous language of the Deaf community. Deaf Australia believes that Deaf people belong to a linguistic minority group and are disadvantaged by a lack of access to communication, education and services. Deaf Australia works with and on behalf of Deaf people in seeking their rights as citizens of Australian society.Deaf Australia was established in 1986 at the National Deafness Conference in Adelaide, South Australia to improve the quality of life of Deaf people in Australia. Since then, Deaf Australia has made many positive changes, but there is still much work to do to achieve equal opportunity and full participation in the community for Deaf people.