Social Impact Entrepreneur at testing tech news(ttn) - the dream of every software tester. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Testing tech news is building a global community of software test professionals and empowering the members to connect with each other, share insights and build networks.Thank you for visiting this page to know about TTN community (An Initiative by KiwiQA Services). We want to create an unbelievable experience while you partake in this TTN community. Please take a moment to review the Code of Conduct and our Community Values so that you can get the most of this our TTN community experience.TTN community provide a place for professionals in the same industry or with similar interests to share their insights and experiences, ask for guidance, and build valuable connections.TTN community is an association of software QA/testing enthusiasts, journeymen, masters and grandmasters who keep each other informed about innovations related to the software testing industry. The objective of this community is to promote a common platform where people can share their insights and develop an edge when it comes to the software testing industry.Facilitate value creation within our software testing community. You can engage our network, drive collaboration, stay up-to-date, and share best practices in the software testing industry.TTN community has multiple ways to engage that include: 1.Share knowledge and best practices2.Share information about the software testing industry3.Join the various quality software testing groups, post, questions, discussion and blogs4.Earn TTNCoin and redeem too.5.You can write for usOur hope is that through continued collaboration, there will be opportunities to create new content, engage with existing content and opportunities, and in doing so, drive this community forward.If you need anything, please feel free to reach out directly. Thank you!