Geothermal Development & Investment Inc is developing the Japanese geothermal market by implementing projects with its local partners. At present, active geothermal power generation capacity in Japan is estimated to be around 530 MW. This remains far below its estimated potential which, at 23 GW, ranks it third in the world after the US and Indonesia. Creating a favourable environment for the sector's expansion, such ministries as the Ministry of the Environment are in the process of deregulating geothermal development while actively providing financial assistance. GDI both invests in geothermal projects and operates geothermal power stations in addition to carrying out the following activities:- Acting as importer and sales agent for binary turbines.- Seismoelectric geothermal surveying.- Executing small hydro, biogas and exhaust heat power generation projects. Alongside acquiring advanced geothermal technology, GDI is currently recruiting to further expand our activities in the sector. Please contact us if you are interested in working or interning with GDI to help implement geothermal projects in Japan.