A community for using connection, compassion and education to empower and improve people's lives in the face of challenge.In today's world, even though there are many changes, challenges and unknowns, our need to grow and find hope and meaning is stronger than ever. We believe the challenges we have been facing can create an opening for us to be more connected, compassionate and empowered. Starting now.The team at aBETTERme invites you to join our community. We want to support your decision to create a better life for yourself and for those around you.Our experts in mental and physical health are committed to offering you our lived experience. From the heart. Together with scientifically proven strategies we will help you turn your challenges during this COVID pandemic into opportunities for wellness. We won't give you a checklist of things you need to add to your busy life. What we will do is tune into what matters most to you.The first level of aBETTERme is an introductory group in your area of challenge that features education and peer mentoring. After that you can take a deeper dive into a more advanced group to get even more connected, compassionate and empowered in your challenge and growth areas.All along the way you have available to you:- One to one coaching- Psychotherapy- Specialized brain health services