We are an inclusive, global organization passionate about helping the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and empaths break free from social conditioning, shed ego-based limiting beliefs, and transform emotional and spiritual pain into living a fully expressed, loving, and purposeful life of peace, freedom, empowerment and joy.At Divine Juicy Life people learn how to harness the power of Soul Alignment, Sensory Immersion, Healing Pain, Nourishing Relationships and Creativity/Play (The 5 Divine Juicy Life flavors) to help them heal and transform the pain of confusion, blame, guilt or shame into joyful, whole-hearted living where each person can unapologetically be the highest expression of their True selves they came here to be and help others do the same. We provide speaking, educational materials, training and coaching dedicated to helping each individual:- Transcend self-imposed boundaries- Expand their perspective to see greater possibilities for their lives- Embrace new practices and standards to empower and sustain their lives