Senior Business Development: Master Data Management | Enterprise Sales & Partner Ecosystem
Verdantis is the only player to offer end-to-end automated, multilingual Master Data Management (MDM) and Master Data Governance (MDG) solutions for domains such as Material (or Item), Purchased Part and Product. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven automated solutions are used by more than 80 of the Fortune 500 to leverage internal resources to manage their master data better and help their business turn out a better bottom-line performance.Verdantis Harmonize® is a SaaS based solution that helps prepare legacy item/material/product data to become master data in its true sense assuring a standardized, normalized, attributed, rationalized and enriched data set in the output formats needed for uploading into the client's ERP / EAM systems as well as into Verdantis Integrity® - the On-going MDG suite.Verdantis Integrity® is an easy-to-use On-going Master Data Governance solution for on-boarding new parts, while maintaining current data quality standards for Items, Materials, Purchased Parts or Products. Powered by a best-in-industry search functionality, it acts as a bolt-on to the existing ERP/EAM system.Leading global companies have chosen Verdantis solutions for the following reasons: - End-to-end automated processes to harmonize & enrich historical master data - Ability to ensure both semantic and structural ongoing data integrity and quality - In-depth industry and data specific domain expertise with a robust project methodology - Ability to handle huge volumes of cryptic and complex data in multiple languages - Easily configurable solutions get rapidly deployed to effect a quick time to value - Ability to leverage the company's internal resources and knowledge assets to accelerate the ROI from IT systems - Our single minded focus on customer success!