The Association of Researchers Academicians and Young Activists (ARANYA) is a non-profit organization of scholar community that believes in a bottom-up social change approach with gender equality, dignity, and socio-economic empowerment of rural deprived and marginalized populations. The organization significantly engaged in tribal rights, climate change, sustainable livelihoods, and poverty eradication, policy advocacy with central, state, and local governments, community engagement and education, training, research, publication, and patents.Our Mission:A sensitive and dedicated association to create a sustainable social change through socio-economic empowerment in the lives of socially disadvantaged sections of the society.We are committed to:A community development-centric association to enhance the sustainable livelihood opportunities and social change by handholding with multistage stakeholders and governing agencies, to provide digital literacy to the rural vulnerable.Our Values:Social Sensitivity, Diversity, Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency.We are the scholar community of:1. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai2. Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai3. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati4. Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar5. University of Munster, Germany6. Harvard University, USA7. Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany8. Derzhavin Tambov State Medical University, Tambov, Russia9. Indian Institute of Human Settlement, Bangalore.10. Jawaharlal Neharu University, New Delhi.11. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak.12. International Socioeconomics Laboratory, USA13. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India14. Delhi University, New Delhi15. Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur, India16. Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga, India17. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India18. Film and Television Institute of India, Pune