Myfitbrain is a company founded to deliver software to improve the brain at no cost to the end user. It does this by utilizing a unique (patent pending) advertising approach of incorporating a company's brand and/or products into the game play. Myfitbrain includes multiple types of mental fitness games focusing on different parts of the brain to sharpen the overall brain and encourage the generation new brain cells. While some consumers exclusively enjoy games such as Sudoku or crossword puzzles which stimulates some areas of the brain, stimulating many cognitive areas of the brain is significantly more beneficial. The learning management system built into Myfitbrain will maintain a player's performance and drive them through the different games while challenging different cognitive abilities. The patent pending advertising model will incorporate a company's brand name or products (icons) directly into the playing of the brain games. During the course of play, users will be directly interacting with the icons. While people play the games, they will repeatedly say the icon name to themselves.