Shruti Outloud, is all about CREATINGIt holds the art of storytelling to build brands, solve social media marketing communication problems and inspires thinking.As a Consultant, I help Brands with building their Brand Presence which includes Social Media Management and buidling Strategies, creating websites, apps as well as Branding. I help Podcasters place themselves in the market which includes hosting, repurposing the content and Marketing through Organic posts, assisted by paid promotions. As a Podcast Host, I encourages people towards a way of life they always aspired for. It is about life, growth, success, business, happiness and joy. It intends to motivate you and inspire you to lead a life full of aspirations, goals, plan of actions and productivity. Let this be your guiding light leading you towards a present and future you desire. So let's be ambitious and step outside that comfort zone and create a life full of goals, success and happiness