Beijing No. 8 High School is a public beacon secondary school (Grade 7–12) located in Xicheng District, Beijing, People's Republic of China. The school was accredited as "Municipal Model High School" by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education. It is a model school for Scientific and Technological Practice, a member of the Association of Youth Technology Education, a National Established School of Sports in Beijing, a Member School of the Chinese Radio Sports Association and a member of the Jinfan Orchestra. As the Olympics approached, the school improved its stadiums and was chosen as the training place for trampoline and swimming athletes, the only school to undertake two missions at the same time. The school's stadiums are now available to the public, including a standard soccer field, a 400-meter runway, an underground running training center, a swimming pool and several standard basketball fields. In recent years, there are about 40 graduates every year admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University. This number accounts for nearly one-fifth of graduates each year. The overall college admission result ranks in the third place in Xicheng School District.