Capital Market Associate at Donghai International Financial Holdings Company Limited - , ,
★Top tier securities firm with full licenses. ★Awarded as the "Innovative Securities Company" by the Securities Association Committee ("SAC"), the only 19 of the 107 securities companies in China. ★Appraised as a Class BBB securities company by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"). ★Operated with talented and high profile management team in the business area of Investment banking, Brokerage, Asset Management, Fixed Income Securities. ★Expertise in China joint venture policy regulation, and comprehensive knowledge of domestic market. 东海国际金融控股有限公司(东海国际)经中国证监会和香港证监会批准,成立于2015年8月,是东海证券股份有限公司(东海证券)的全资子公司,在香港证监会的管理下开展1、4、9号牌照即证券经纪、就证券提供咨询、资产管理业务。东海国际是东海证券走向国际化的重要海外平台。作为在港中资券商的后来者,东海国际将秉承东海证券"以微笑传递智慧、让事实缔造杰出"的理念,把握人民币国际化的契机,顺应中国家庭全球配置资产的潮流,坚守"独具特色、拒绝平庸、专业专注、诚信至上"的服务承诺,致力于为客户打造一个以理财为特色的金融服务平台,为高净值客户和家族财富在全球进行资产配置提供全方位、一站式服务。我們堅信憑藉東海證券的全力支持和我們對全球市場的深刻理解,我們必定能夠為客戶量身訂制財富管理需求