Established in 1981,Minehaus was initially involved in extraction of gemstones from different mines of the world providing fine quality raw material to the top production houses.The main focus of Minehaus were Ruby,Emerald ,Sapphire,Alexandarite,Catseye Crysoberyl,Aquamarine,Rhodolite and Iolite in starting years ,which later got attraction of some new exotic gemstones like Spinel,Tanzanite,Mandarian garnet,Tourmaline,etc. in late 90s.Collaborating with some of the top miners gave Minehaus the recognition of consistent supplier of raw material in the gemstone world.With more than 25years of experience in extraction, Minehaus started its own production house in 2006 when the new generation joined hands.With experienced and skilled staff, and passion towards gemstones,Minehaus managed to create a fine customer line by focusing on the needs of customer and offering them wide range of products .Today,Minehaus is a well recognised brand supplying exotic gemstones to designers and top jewellery brands in Europe,USA,Russia,Middle East and other parts of the world.