DigiFame Media is a Digital Marketing Company .We are a full service design company who creates beautiful websites and generates results! We specialize in small to medium sized business and are experts in web design, online marketing, and eCommerce website design. DigiFame Media specializes in Interactive Design, Development & Strategy for both web and mobile . We follow a whole-istic approach based on User Centered Design and User Experience Principles while combining branding, strategy and social media marketing.Adding Our digital services to your business will-• Broaden awareness in new market sectors or new geographical areas• Increase public awareness of product benefits• Build a reputation among customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders• Sell products directly to customers from the website• Improve customer service by delivering online support• Start a dialogue with customers through forums, blogs and feedback pages, which can then be used to improve products and address any issuesHow we do it??We analyze Big Data, Small Data, All data to intimate you for what is happening with your Brand & Business.o Social Analytics Platformo Quarterly "Deep Dive" Analysiso Campaign Performance Measurement and Analysiso Actionable Recommendations and Optimizationo Web Analytics and Custom Reportingo Performance Optimization and Multivariate Testingo Social Monitoring, Reporting and Recommendationso ROI and Customer Value Analysiso 360° Campaign Analysis and Strategy Development