Shunji Muso

President at Muso - San Francisco, CA, US

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San Francisco, CA, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Time matters. Faster access to care can save 10x more lives. Muso is a global health non-profit that is revolutionizing how quickly Community Health Workers (CHWs) provide access to care for sick children in Mali. In the areas where Muso operates, we've seen a 10x difference in child mortality and a 10x increase in patient access to care. As Muso grows, we're reaching more patients, faster. To the best of our knowledge, Muso has achieved and maintained the lowest rate of child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. We estimate the Muso system will enable Ministries of Health to provide universal health coverage at a cost of $24 per person, well within the range of health spending in sub-Saharan Africa and significantly lower than the WHO estimate of $60+ per person covered [1]. The Problem [2]5,900,000 children died in 2015 before their fifth birthday300,000 women did not survive pregnancy or childbirth90% of Malian women do not access family planning 13x higher maternal mortality rate in Mali than in the US 59% of Malian women do not access basic prenatal care during pregnancyMuso ModelA reactive model is not enough and early access to care is crucial to survival. The Muso Model is a community-led health system that includes three critical steps in reaching and treating patients faster, within hours of symptom onset: 1. Proactive Search: CHWs search for patients through door-to-door home visits to connect them with care early.2. Doorstep Care: CHWs provide a package of life-saving health care services in the home. 3. Rapid Access Clinics: Muso removes point-of-care fees, builds infrastructure, and trains staff, so that government clinics can provide universal, early access to care.[1] (Pg 22)[2] Cellule de Planification et de Statistique (CPS/SSDSPF), Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT/MPATP), INFO-STAT et ICF International, 2014. Enquête Démographique et de Santé au Mali 2012-2013.

Details about Muso
Frequently Asked Questions about Shunji Muso
Shunji Muso currently works for Muso.
Shunji Muso's role at Muso is President.
Shunji Muso's email address is *** To view Shunji Muso's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Shunji Muso works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Shunji Muso's colleagues at Muso are Shunji Muso, Julia Berman, Cat Lukach, Rebecca Skala, Jasmine Chen, Kelly Phan, Aarti Shah and others.
Shunji Muso's phone number is N/A
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