ONCOLYTIC IMMUNOTHERAPY Immunotherapies are an exciting new class of therapies that utilize the immune system to attack and kill cancer cells. One type of immunotherapy is the oncolytic virus, which is a virus designed to specifically infect and destroy cancer cells. In addition to directly killing cancer cells, the most effective oncolytic viruses also stimulate the immune system to find and destroy cancer throughout the body. BENEVIR'S BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY The BeneVir oncolytic virus platform is based on T-Stealth technology, which overcomes a major barrier to the clinical success of oncolytic viruses. This barrier is the body's immune system, which is very effective at killing both harmful viruses (like flu) and beneficial viruses (like oncolytic viruses). BeneVir's T-Stealth oncolytic viruses hide from the immune system in order to continue to destroy cancer cells, both directly and through activation of the immune system.