Graduate Research Student at Emera & NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies - Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Within the next 10 years, advanced smart grid technologies are expected to revolutionize how we consume, distribute and produce electricity.The Emera & NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies at the University of New Brunswick will be at the forefront of this emerging industry.In collaboration with academic and private sector partners, research and innovation from the Emera & NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies will play a pivotal role in advancing the transformation of conventional power grids around the world.The Emera & NB Power Research Centre for Smart Grid Technologies will be a global leader in the transformation of electric power systems into smart grids through R&D, innovation, commercial partnerships, high-quality researchers and state-of-the-art research facilities.The centre builds on the critical mass of researchers — including faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, PhD and MSc students — in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and from UNB's previous Sustainable Power Research Group. First-class, comprehensive research facilities like the Smart Grid Research Lab will support the research, development, demonstration and deployment of smart grid technologies.The centre will work with industry partners such as Emera and NB Power to realize economic and environmental benefits of new technologies.